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Outflow and Matter Transfer, theoretically, provide a process for creating a Galaxy and building the Universe. Were gravity of Galaxies and Dark Matter are not the major engine of Evolution but Relative predictions about Black Holes.


Patterns of growth from the centre correlates well to a morphology of symmetrical star forming based on outward spiraling. This requires matter replacement at the centre. 

If outflow fails and the transfer stops then stars moving away are not replaced and the galaxy empties from the centre, which may explain this unusual galaxies design.

Hoag's Object is a mysterious ring galaxy.

Powerful outflow may be the origin of mass in galaxies. Related to a process from the central object, as vast quantities blast out from around the centre, with a Relative association.

Evidence for a BH connection to these filaments, or to the SMBH itself, in this galaxy cluster centre as the only objects which could exist in this powerful outflow (if filaments connect to something). Suggests these filaments may be created by intense spiraling gravity.

black hole

Outflow from WH galaxy core with feeding BHs and filament connections to satellite and dependent galaxies in galaxy cluster. 

cosmic web

The number of feeding BHs around the centre should relate to number of filaments and number of satellite galaxies.

Galaxy Cluster.

Within the matrix of a galaxy cluster only one place has enough matter to forge all the orbiting satellite galaxies in growth. This is one reason why these filaments could connect each galaxy to that centre.

Chandra observations of the central region of Andromeda. X-ray (NASA/CXC/SAO/R.Barnard, Z.Lee et al.), Optical (NOAO/AURA/NSF/REU Prog./B.Schoening, V.Harvey; Descubre Fndn./CAHA/OAUV/DSA/V.Peris)

BHs that may generate filaments tend to inhabit the galaxy centre as demonstrated by strong x-ray emissions largely from accreting BHs around the core.

One related dwarf galaxy will have one large feeding BH close to the parent galaxy core as related systems. Notice the connection between the dwarf galaxy and it's location on the end of the Spiral Arm this is not random.

Image credit: NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA). With my filament.

The two types of BH demonstrated here; feeding BH "naked" of stars (strong x-ray emission) and out flowing WH galaxy core surrounded with stars.

 Astronomers found a galaxy called SDSS J1126+2944 that contains a barely “naked” black hole and another that’s completely surrounded by stars, as black holes usually are. Hubble Space Telescope and the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The arrow shows the black hole that is lacking a population of stars. Credit: NASA

Bigger patterns of gravitational filament connections relate our galaxy (blue dot) with a matrix of Relative associations across the Universe and a matter transfer system and represent the theorized Einstein Rosenberg bridges.

Tully, R. Brent, et al. "The Laniakea supercluster of galaxies." Nature,

The Cosmic Web. Filament connections between galaxies spanning most of space and time. Deep in the heart of this image may be the early universe.

cosmic web

A matrix of filaments that stretch through most of space time and link or bond the early universe with the now in an organic pattern of growth. Filaments provide arterial links from the only place possible to generate all the galaxies of the Universe. Soon after the Big Bang.
The process of merger is random and conglomerating while growth is organic and divergent. What you see here is divergence not conglomeration.

This image from the EAGLE simulation, a simulation of the universe, shows the context for a single galaxy forming within the large-scale cosmic web. A recent study suggests that early galaxies may form from cool gas that accretes from the cosmic web. [The Virgo Consortium, Schaye et al.]

Patterns of growth cannot relate to random effects like merger.

For instance, if galaxies have grown their masses will form a growth curve as may be demonstrated in this graph. Random merger will not form growth curves but show most galaxies to be the smaller types. 

Merger suggests small galaxies proliferate in the early universe, while growth predicts the later - and growth is demonstrated here.

Patterns of star obit is vital in understanding galaxy evolution. Evidence is growing for outward spiralling rotation. That can not relate to merger. Outward spiralling implies increases in mass out of the galaxy centre. So, is it sedentary circular orbit (merger) or spiralling?

This theory throws up more problems than it solves. How can a BH form a partnership that is not just random capture? What is a 'white hole'? When, in the life of a BH, can this partnership form? How can a matter transfer system run counter to the gravitational flow and how can matter escape from around the central object WH? If one BH makes that partnership, they probably all do, possibly producing growth systems all over the galaxy. How/if this partnership eventually forms galaxies - I try to answer these conundrums by applying astrophysicists and astronomers discoveries and my need to form a special gravitational partnership from BH to a WH in the posting -'Black Hole'. There maybe a way - but how proven/justified is it?

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