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Origin of Outflow. 

Filaments may play an important role in connecting structures like galaxies to a relationship with outflow.

The center of our Galaxy, as seen in the radio.
Credit: Farhad Zadeh, VLA, NRAO, APOD

The same pattern of filaments in galaxy cluster's centre also relates to the Milky Way's core (image).

Like we saw in galaxy clusters (Origin of Galaxies) these filaments stretch out of the centre of our galaxy. If the pattern is the same a matrix of filaments may relate to our satellite growth systems like dwarf galaxies.

Within this galaxy only one place has enough regular and unbound matter supply to form the many hundreds of millions of stars in dwarf galaxies. That is the Galaxy centre.

Do these filaments, large (the Cosmic Web) and small (within the galaxy), carry connections to matter transfer?

Here smaller double helix filaments join to a symmetrical star forming region called the Cocoon Nebula that seem to contain matter.

Filaments contain and then release matter, forming proto-stars along their length, terminate in a star forming region as a 'micro galaxy' may be created by a process of transfer of matter.

Image Credit: ESA/Herschel/SPIRE/PACS/Gould Belt Survey/D. Arzoumanian (CEA Saclay)

Filament joins nebula and points directly at active centre like filaments relate to the centre of galaxies.

The same fundamental process of outflow grows matter rich nebula from an enigmatic central object feed by matter rich filament.

Image Credit & Copyright: Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona(not arrow). IC 5146: The Cocoon Nebula

Stars form at regular intervals along filaments suggesting a helix structure and matter transfer.

Stars forming in the Taurus Molecular Cloud ESA/Herschel/PACS, SPIRE/Gould Belt survey Key Programme/Palmeirim et al. 2013

The picture on the left shows a density map compiled with data from ESA’s Herschel Space Observatory, the one on the right an infrared image taken by NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE). The photo in the centre is a combination of both images. Image credits: © A. M. Stutz / MPIA.

Matter rich filaments point directly at symmetrical star forming region centre.

Star forming filaments orientate to cluster centre that confirm mass gains as possible transfer.

Radio/optical composite of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex showing the OMC-2/3 star-forming filament. GBT data is shown in orange. Credit: S. Schnee, et al.; B. Saxton, B. Kent (NRAO/AUI/NSF

Patterns of filaments in the Universe relate strongly to the orientation of galaxies.

Connections between smaller star forming systems orientation and larger ones spin axes across the universe show relationship to these filaments and outflow. That relationship is causally related to the central object.

This artist’s impression shows schematically the mysterious alignments between the spin axes of quasars and the large-scale structures that they inhabit (the Cosmic Web) that observations with ESO’s Very Large Telescope have revealed. These alignments are over billions of light-years and are the largest known in the Universe. The large-scale structure is shown in blue and quasars are marked in white with the rotation axes of their black holes indicated with a line around them. This picture is for illustration only and does not depict the real distribution of galaxies and quasars. (Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser)

Indication of a connection between patterns of galaxy formation out of the centre and matter travel in filaments via the Cosmic Web.

Image of quasar (QSO 1549+19) taken with Caltech’s Cosmic Web Imager, showing surrounding gas (in blue) and direction of filamentary gas inflow.


Large filament found close to the Milky Way's centre points directly at SMBH.

Galactic filaments relate in size with the galaxy they connect to, in a matrix of association, showing a strong correlation in evolution. This filament may be the right size for our connection (only a suggestion).

A radio image from the NSF’s Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array showing the centre of our galaxy. The mysterious radio filament is the curved line located near the center of the image, & the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), is shown by the bright source near the bottom of the image. Credit: NSF/VLA/UCLA/M. Morris et al

JVLA images of Sgr A at 5.5 GHz. The large-scale, bright ring structure is Sgr A East. The mini-spiral structure along the lower-right edge of the ring is Sgr A West, and Sgr A* is located near the center of the mini-spiral structure. [Zhao et al. 2016]

Two vast blasts of matter that are thrown out (in this theory) from around the central object which form the 'Bar' of stars (East/West from near the equator) as outflow is concentrated in two points as a double.

 Image of large scale double matter expansion from galactic centre try: Herschel's view of the galactic centre September 24, 2018, European Space Agency

Where is this outflow matter coming from? The adding on of mass from around a BH is not possible. But a matter transfer process, of outflow, around a BH like object is already long predicted.

Theory of matter transfer through space time provides outflow/growth system around a relative object as galaxy core.

Matter falling into a black hole is predicted to disappear under the Event Horizon - to re-appear as the adding on of mass, or growth, somewhere else in space time. Galaxies cores maybe that somewhere else. Those filaments may represent a gravitational connection and matter conduits powered by BH's gravity and accretion as a transfer process.

Accretion of matter falling into a BH disappears under the Event Horizon and no-one knows where most of it goes. Maybe, it emerges some were else in space and time as the theory predicts.


Black Hole powers accretion and transfer. The other end of the time bridge has been coined a white hole (WH) inhabits the galaxy centre. Which is why it could be confused with a BH. They are both described by that fundamental, as connected 'objects', so basically similar. Suggesting how a huge BH type object can inhabit and dominate a galaxy centre and why these cores make such strange BHs.

Similar, possibly gravitational structure may be demonstrated here by a less massive (than BH) neutron star (NS). Two powerfully rotating jet type features spiral out of the poles that may be a vortex of gravity partly associated with fast rotation.

The Crab pulsar and nebula formed in a supernova explosion first noted by Chinese astronomers in 1054. This X-ray image shows the pulsar and the nebula which is powered mostly through the loss of rotational energy by the neutron star.
Credit: NASA/CXC/ASU/J. Hester et al.Credit;

This NS is generating 37 light year long helical filament.

The long X-ray jet in neutron star IGR J11014-6103 with distinct corkscrew or helix pattern may be generating filament. Credit NASAs Chandra X-ray

Filaments generated at the poles of NS (in centre) wrap over themselves by being connected to a partner in close orbit as binary.

Are filaments connected to black holes as double rotating gravitational whirlwinds and could a prediction about this partnership (BH/WH) forge galaxies?

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