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GalaxyBy Simon Kneen
Patterns in Star Orbits Reveal the Origin and Evolution of Galaxies and Generate Vast Grand Designs.
Patterns of matter movement in Galaxies. By Simon Kneen
Patterns in glass associate to processes of production. The design is related to paths of manufacture.
I create beautiful patterns in glass and galaxies create beautiful patterns in the Universe.
Galaxies have patterns which regularly appear and relate to forces of evolution that orchestrate a vast grand design.
Sombrero Galaxy Hubble Space Telescope
Pinwheel Galaxy Hubble. NASA.
That morphology shows, by patterns of matter movement, fundamental process which produces galaxies. This should relate to merger as galaxies grow over time by combining. Resulting in the endless circular orbit of stars. However, the sequence of patterns in galaxy design are demonstrating substantial spiralling.
What are grand designs in Galaxies revealing about the movement and origin of stars?
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