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Black Holes Gravitational Connection to Theorised White Holes. by S. Kneen

The Theory of Relativity predict a gravitational connection between a black hole (BH) and, as yet, undiscovered partner coined a white hole (WH) called a Einstein Rosen bridge. This site attempts a path of evolution, within the recognised evidence (though that may conflict with some current interpretation), for such a partnership to forge and what that secondary star maybe. The predictions about BHs generally (such as: event horizons, the gravitational warping of space time and singularities) have the strong propensity of being proved true to which WHs with a connection to BHs may, one day, be included. 

This proposal is my own work and unsupported by Physicists.

Theorised Black Hole gravitational connection to White Hole

Black Holes Wormholes White Holes

How can BHs connect to theorised WHs and forge a gravitational connection? Once a star core collapse  under the event horizon nothing can come back.

Star collapse into Black Hole
Black Holes Wormholes White Holes

The theory predicts every BH will forge this partnership. When in all the life of BHs can that association form and with what?

A second object with a special gravitational connection and causative link can only be formed in one possible phase of Black Hole evolution, it cannot be a randomly attracted object. The partnership is not formed before collapse, as a star, that's impossible. Nor, once created as a BH singularity which cannot evolve a 'special' relationship, any partnership then is random capture and often destructive. The association forms during collapse as a natural part of the Supernova event.
Supernova and Core collapse
Black Holes Wormholes White Holes

Formation of Black Hole.

Supernova triggers core collapse asymmetrically as the shock wave and the powerful gravity of the core overcome strong forces that stabilize atoms.
Black Holes Wormholes White Holes
Black Holes Wormholes White Holes
Black Holes Wormholes White Holes

Shock wave converges while growing intensity of gravity, from the core, triggering a final violent cascade at very high speed that impacts into the forming Black Hole, before it falls beneath the event horizon.

Black Holes Wormholes White Holes

Impact, ejection.

Impact of cascading material distorts core remnant, which throws out a column of dense matter and ejects partner from the tip.

White Hole evolution
white holes wormholes black holes

The White Hole is connected by gravity to the BH (as both come from the same core) escapes as ejector and immediately evolves. The White Hole (WH) loses matter to the BH and stabilize creating relatively common, but 'odd' little star (it is unlikely to fit well into the main sequence). Can we find candidates? We will look latter. If the conditions of collapse are always similar then, theoretically, these WHs should be almost as common as Black Holes.

1. Dense matter between the partners explodes and the WH is unstable. 2. Burning of 'column' becomes Gamma Ray Burst, WH expands. 3. WH contributes to the GRB.
4. Released matter attracted to BH in accretion splitting the gravitational connection into two and focusing at 'poles'. This uses the high rotational velocity of the BH to form double vortex of gravity as focused 'beams' that connect to WH surface.

Gamma Ray Burst
Black Holes Wormholes White Holes

Column of dense matter drawn between partners explodes generating Gamma Ray Burst known to be energy release from burning compact material . WH evolves losing matter to BH.

Evidence for the collapse and separation may be found in two types of Gamma Ray Bursts that can be related to the high energy burning of dense matter at this event. In the case of a very large star, the powerful supernova process may eject a stable Neutron Star (NS) partner. This GRB is massive but very short as just the 'column' burns, which is not covered here (BH/NS partnership will not make the right association). In the case of a smaller star collapse the ejected partner is below the minimum mass of a Neutron Star, which evolves into a White Hole, that extends the GRB with a less powerful but longer 'burn down'. To form the connection the BH has to dominate the partner as the evolved White Hole has comparatively weak gravity: slow rotation, partly as ejector and partly by expanding from compact which produces spin down, semi-compact after evolving and low in mass. The extreme difference in gravity becomes a deviation in time.

The Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most powerful explosions the Universe has seen since the Big Bang. They occur approximately once per day and are brief, but intense, flashes of gamma radiation. They come from all different directions of the sky and last from a few milliseconds to a few hundred seconds. So far scientists do not know what causes them. Do they signal the birth of a black hole in a massive stellar explosion? Are they the product of the collision of two neutron stars? Or is it some other exotic phenomenon that causes these bursts? Credit NASA


There is little question that somehow dense matter escapes the collapse process and forms many GRBs. How that may happen is offered as impact and ejection, not jetting. This would explain the asymmetric nature of this event. If enough can escape to form the GRBs then, maybe, there's enough to form an associated object.

This connection of a gravitational whirl wind 'wormhole' between the partners is theorized to form a matter conduit through space time. Can we find examples of a transfer process, double filaments of powerful spiraling gravity and 'outflow' WH stars?

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© June 2016. Black Holes by Simon Kneen (my work is very much my own). Proudly created with

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